Home » Aveiro District » Anadia » Tamengos, Aguim e Óis do Bairro » Rua do Pinheiro Manso

Rua do Pinheiro Manso, Anadia (Tamengos, Aguim e Óis do Bairro)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rua do Pinheiro Manso: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Rua do Pinheiro Manso

Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.

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  • Hotel - 627m
    Hotel Parque da Curia
    Rua do Pinheiro Manso


  • Parking - 583m

Religious Centres

  • Place of Worship - 560m
    Capela do Hotel Palece Curia (christian - roman_catholic)


  • Kindergarten - 728m
    Rua das Camélias

Recreation and Sports

  • Tennis - 200m
  • Soccer - 757m
    Futebol 7 Hotel Palace

Eating and Drinking

  • Cafe - 426m
    Imperial Bar
    Rua do Pinheiro Manso
  • Restaurant - 715m
    Rua das Camélias

Public Services

  • Townhall - 804m
    Junta de Turismo da Curia
    Avenida Plátanos


  • picnic site - 1419m
  • Touristic Information - 1354m
    Rota da Bairrada
  • Touristic Attraction - 804m
    Junta de Turismo da Curia
    Avenida Plátanos
  • zoo - 686m
    Animais do Palace Hotel da Curia


  • Public Building - 641m
    Lar de Idosos de Tamengos
    Beco das Sardinheiras
  • Charging Station - 1294m
    AND-00002 - Mobi.E - Galp Power - public access - fee
    Avenida Plátano
    Phone: +351 800 249 249
    Email: mobilidade.electricacrc@galp.com
    Opening hours: 24/7
  • Shelter - 1038m

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Rua do Pinheiro Manso

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nameRua do Pinheiro Manso