Home » Aveiro District » Ovar » Cortegaça » Rua do Monte Negro

Rua do Monte Negro, Ovar (Cortegaça)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rua do Monte Negro: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Rua do Monte Negro

Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.

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  • Parking - 860m
    - - public access - no fee
    Rua Capitão Manuel Tavares


  • shop-vacant - 1045m
    Rua das Companhas Cortegaça
    Opening hours: Mo-Su 07:00-24:00
  • Convenience shop - 798m
    Praia Mar
    Rua Capitão Manuel Tavares

Eating and Drinking

  • Restaurant - 1461m
    Restaurante Augusto Fonseca
    Rua Frederico Ulritch, 615
    Opening hours: We-Su 10:00-23:00


  • apartment - 861m
    Avenida da Praia


  • Recycling - 1401m
    Rua Frederico Ulritch, 573
  • waste disposal - 716m
    - - Câmara Municipal de Ovar
    Rua Joaquim Marques da Silva Rola
  • Shelter - 1425m
    Rua Frederico Ulritch, 573

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Rua do Monte Negro

 OSM Tags

way typeresidential
nameRua do Monte Negro