Home » Aveiro District » Ovar » Cortegaça » Rua da Corrijona

Rua da Corrijona, Ovar (Cortegaça)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rua da Corrijona: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Rua da Corrijona

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  • Parking - 847m
    Rua do Moinho do Passal

Religious Centres

  • Place of Worship - 905m
    - (christian - roman_catholic)
    Alameda Padre Manuel Dias da Silva

Recreation and Sports

  • Soccer - 925m
    Pavilhão do Gestal
    Rua do Moinho do Passal
    Local sports complex, where friendly games and religious events are held
  • Arts Center - 924m
    Auditório de Santa Marinha - Paróquia de Cortegaça
    Rua do Moinho do Passal

Eating and Drinking

  • Restaurant - 1011m
    Tasca Dinah
    Rua do Apeadeiro
  • Cafe - 1263m
    Rua Padre Manuel Pereira
    Opening hours: Mo,Su 06:30-14:30; Tu-Sa 06:30-18:30


  • Artwork - 849m
    Santa Marinha
    Rua Padre Joaquim Pereira Resende


  • Shelter - 904m
    Rua do Apeadeiro
  • office-association - 892m
    Corpo Nacional de Escutas - Agrupamento 313
    Rua do Moinho do Passal

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Rua da Corrijona

 OSM Tags

way typeresidential
nameRua da Corrijona