Home » Porto District » Lousada » Cristelos, Boim e Ordem » Boim » Rua Costa Nova A

Rua Costa Nova A, Lousada (Cristelos, Boim e Ordem, Boim)

On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rua Costa Nova A: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.

Services near Rua Costa Nova A

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  • Parking - 818m
    Continente Lousada


  • School - 1288m


  • Electronics - 966m
    Avenida Hans Isler
  • Supermarket - 772m
    Rua António Gomes Ribeiro Lousada
    Opening hours: 2ª a 5ª - 09.00 | 21.00 6ª, Sab. e Vesp. Feriado - 09.00 | 21.00 Dom. e Feriados - 09.00 | 21.00

Eating and Drinking

  • Restaurant - 700m
    Un Bocadinho das Rias Baixas
    Rua António Gomes Ribeiro, 300
    Phone: +351 912 712 205
    Email: umbocadinhodasriasbaixas@hotmail.com
    Comida tipica española , esencialmente de de galicia
    Opening hours: 09 | 00:00
  • Cafe - 514m
    café a capital
    avenida da liberdade, 47 4620-167
    Phone: 255408564

Public Services

  • Police - 651m
    GNR - Posto Territorial de Lousada - Guarda Nacional Republicana
    Travessa do Pinheiro Novo 4620-663 Lousada
    Phone: 255810470


  • Charging Station - 879m
    LOU-00003/4 - Intermarché - Mobi.E - Mobiletric - public access - fee
    Rua do Parque Industrial de Lousada
    Phone: +351 800 210 204
    Email: suporte@mobiletric.com
    Opening hours: 24/7

Connected streets

List of streets and squares connected with Rua Costa Nova A

 OSM Tags

way typeresidential
nameRua Costa Nova A